My name is Carlos Ferran. I am the Director for Accreditation and Assessment and a Full Professor of Accounting and Management Information Systems at the College of Business of Governors State University. I have a doctoral degree in Business Administration from Boston University. I am a Certified Management Accountant and Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis. I was born in Venezuela and I am a Knight of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. I am the proud father of triplets plus one.
I got my Covid-19 Vaccine.
What about you?

I am the son of two scholars who taught me that family, education, and hard work are the basis for happiness. They not only said it, but they taught it by example. Those shoes are very hard to fill. I owe them everything and I will never be able to pay them back. But they also taught me to pay it forward.
Governors State University College of Business 1 University Parkway University Park, IL 60484 United State Of America |
phone +1 708 235 2818 email [email protected] | [email protected] linkedin skype cferran1 |
I teach a variety of courses in Accounting, Strategy, and Management Information Systems in face-to-face and online formats.
I work on Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and ABET accreditation. I also do peer-reviewing for Quality Matters (QM) and Merlot.
Professional Service
I work ad-honorem for several professional associations including the Association for Information Systems (AIS).
Technology-Mediated Knowledge Transfer, eLearning, Assurance of Learning, Assessment, Accreditation, Accounting Information Systems, Digital Divide, InfoEnergy.


Online Education
I teach online, I train other faculty in becoming better online instructors, I peer-review online courses using the Quality Matter standards, and I do research on Technology-Mediated Knowledge Transfer (eLearning).
University Service
This shows my experience in different service functions at Governors State University.

Assurance of Learning
Knight of Malta
I am a Knight of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta.